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UCC Social Media User Terms and Conditions

(Updated 4/9/14)


The University Counseling Center (UCC) sponsors a photo sharing, video sharing, and other social media sites to further its mission to meet the cultural, educational, and informational needs of the campus community. Fans, followers, members, likers, and/or friends of our social media pages are encouraged to share, post, like, rate, upload videos and images, and converse with other fans and with content posted on this page. At times, the UCC’s sponsored sites are also a place for the public to share opinions about the center, mental health, and related subjects/issues. Comments are welcome and will be reviewed prior to publishing. The UCC reserves the right not to publish any posting, or to later remove it without notice or explanation.

The UCC offers crisis services M-F 8-5. If you are a U of U student, staff or faculty member and need to talk with someone immediately, a UCC staff member is available to assist. Call us at 801-581-6826 or walk into the Center at 426 Student Services Building. For more urgent situations and after hours, please go to the University Neuropsychiatric Institute, 501 Chipeta Way, or to the Emergency Department at the University Hospital. The UNI CrisisLine: 801-587-3000 offers crisis response 24/7, including: crisis support over the phone, a mobile outreach option (MCOT) that will respond to persons in their home, and the Receiving Center where individuals from Salt Lake County can access a safe and supportive environment to help individuals work through their crisis situation. Individuals may spend up to 23 hours at the Receiving Center, at no cost.

Full policy statement

In keeping with its mission, the University Counseling Center (UCC) may participate in the use of various “social media” sites or applications. The goals of UCC sponsored social media sites are:

  • To increase the campus community’s knowledge of and use of UCC services;
  • To promote the value and importance of the UCC’s services among university faculty, students, staff, administrators, and the general public;
  • To maintain open, professional, and responsive communications.

The UCC’s social media platforms are public sites used for educational purposes only and are not designed as a forum for provision of clinical care. Therefore, becoming a “friend” or “fan” does not indicate you are a client of our services or participating in therapy.  If you have questions about your mental or physical health, please consult directly with your physician or other treating provider.

The UCC does not collect, maintain or otherwise use the personal information stored on any third party site in any way other than to communicate with users on that site. Users may remove themselves at any time from the UCC’s “friends” or “fan” lists. Users should be aware that third party websites have their own privacy policies and should proceed accordingly.  

Comments, posts, and messages are welcome on the UCC social media sites. Users are strongly encouraged to check facts, cite sources, and show respect in expressing their opinions. While the UCC recognizes and respects difference in opinion, all such interactions will be monitored and reviewed for content and relevancy. Having stated that, the UCC is not obligated to take any actions, and will not be responsible or liable for content posted by any subscriber in any forum, message board, or other area within these services.

The UCC offers crisis services M-F 8-5. If you are a U of U student, staff or faculty member and need to talk with someone immediately, a UCC staff member is available to assist. Call us at 801-581-6826 or walk into the Center at 426 Student Services Building. Faculty and staff may also contact the University EAP at 801-587-9319. For more urgent situations and after hours, please go to the University Neuropsychiatric Institute, 501 Chipeta Way, or to the Emergency Department at the University Hospital. The UNI CrisisLine: 801-587-3000 offers crisis response 24/7, including: crisis support over the phone, a mobile outreach option (MCOT) that will respond to persons in their home, and the Receiving Center where individuals from Salt Lake County can access a safe and supportive environment to help individuals work through their crisis situation. Individuals may spend up to 23 hours at the Receiving Center, at no cost.

Code of Conduct

Comments and posts by fans to any of the UCC’s social media sites should be relevant to the content posted on the page and its fans. UCC reserves the right not to publish any posting, or to later remove it without notice or explanation. Reasons for removal include, but are not limited to:

  • Abusive, defamatory, or hate speech.
  • Violations of copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights.
  • Profanity or racial slurs.
  • Illegal activities.
  • Threats of violence.
  • Pornographic or sexually explicit material.
  • Information related to non-university related products or services.
  • Spam or commercial advertising.
  • Off-topic comments.
  • Lack of space.
  • Posts that become a nuisance.

In certain situations, the poster, as well as the content, could be blocked from the page or reported to authorities depending on the nature of the content. The UCC reserves the right to remove posts deemed inappropriate.

Posts that contain names (or identifying information) of specific individuals receiving care or working at the UCC may be removed if the individual has not consented to having information shared publically. Names of University of Utah employees identified as part of a complaint, concern, or compliment will be handled on a case‐by‐case basis. Depending on the circumstances, at the discretion of page administrators, the post or comment may be removed to protect the identity of individuals. 

In addition, the UCC reserves the right to edit or modify any postings or comments for space or content (spelling, grammar, etc.), while retaining the intent of the original post. The UCC assumes no liability regarding any event or interaction created or posted by any participant in any UCC sponsored social media service, and does not endorse content outside the “pages” created by UCC staff. Participation in UCC social media services implies agreement with all University of Utah and library policies, including but not limited to University of Utah World Wide Web Resources Policy, Privacy Statement, Disclaimer,  Information Resources Policy, and Terms of Service of each individual third-party services. The role and utility of social media will be evaluated periodically by UCC staff, and may be changed or terminated at any time without notice to subscribers. 

Adapted from University of Utah Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library Social Media Policy; and the University of Utah Health Care Social Media User Terms and Conditions. 

Last Updated: 5/24/21