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Letter from Director of Training

July 25, 2024

Dear Psychology Internship Applicant:

Thank you for your interest in the University Counseling Center (UCC) at the University of Utah as a training site for your psychology internship.  Our internship has been continuously accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA) since 1979.  Our internship nicely fits APA's definition of training in Health Service Psychology:  we provide training experiences in the "delivery of preventive, assessment, diagnostic, and therapeutic intervention services relative to psychological and physical health" in preparation for our interns to become "licensed as psychologists at the independent practice level" (APA, 2011).

As posted in our APPIC Directory, our application deadline is November 1.

We will have 4 full-time (40-45 hours per week) internship positions available August 1 through July 31 with a stipend of at least $37,500 plus full staff benefits (e.g., health and dental insurance, vacation, sick leave) in accordance with University of Utah policy.

Details of the internship training program can be found in our Training Program Description.  However, to assist you in becoming better acquainted with UCC, I want to briefly highlight some of the strengths of our program:

Training in Diversity-Focused Competencies. In compliance with APA accreditation standards, we provide a bi-weekly Critical Positionalities Seminar and infuse a diversity of viewpoints and experiences  in training, which doctoral interns report as some of their primary reasons for choosing the UCC.

Client Demographics.  UCC clientele are primarily university students, with some services offered to staff and faculty. The majority of our clients (81%) live off campus. A significant number of our clients (43%) are nontraditional aged (25 or older) and a fairly large percentage (41%) report they are in a committed relationship or married. The percentages of ethnic minority and international clients at UCC are generally similar to their representation in the University population, as designated within brackets:

African American/Black = 2% [1%];
Asian American/Asian = 4% [5%];
American Indian/Alaskan Native = 1% [1%] 
Hispanic/Latino(a) = 6% [7%];
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander = 1% [1%]
Multiracial = 3% [2%] 
International Students = 5% [7%].

More than 1 in 10 UCC clients (10%) identify across the LGBTQ spectrum. 

More than 1 in 5 clients (21%) indicate they are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon). Nearly half of UCC clients (46%) report no religious affiliation.

Multidisciplinary Agency. Professional staff consists of psychologists who have been trained in counseling psychology or clinical psychology, as well as Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Licensed Mental Health Counselors, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, and Advanced Practice Registered Nurses who facilitate our client medication services.

Multidisciplinary Trainees. We currently have 4 psychology predoctoral interns.  In addition we have 12 practicum counselors from the University of Utah Master's in Social Work and Doctoral Counseling Psychology practicums. We have two undergraduate Mental Health Peer Educators as well.

Group Therapy.  Interns co-lead at least one therapy group per year with a permanent clinical staff member.

Relationship Counseling. Interns may have the opportunity to provide relationship counseling as co-therapists with permanent clinical staff members or on their own under supervision. Timing and amount of relationship counseling opportunities available may vary year to year. 

Skills Workshops and Mindfulness Programs (SWAMP). Interns will have opportunities to teach mindfulness skills and other groups and workshops designed to reduce stress, manage anxiety, and regulate emotions in the SWAMP.

Teaching.  Interns normally have the opportunity to co-facilitate a practicum seminar for Mental Health Peer Educators.

Supervision. Interns supervise the clinical work of 2nd-year doctoral students in the University's counseling psychology program. They participate in a weekly Supervision of Supervision Training Seminar with the Training Director.

Collaborative Outreach & Consultation. Interns have numerous opportunities to provide outreach and consultation services to academic departments and campus organizations. Interns also develop and carry out a Systems Intervention Project (SIP) across the year, reaching out to a traditionally underserved population or issue of interest.

Research Support. Interns are provided with four hours per week to work on your dissertation or other research, initiate new projects, and prepare paper presentations and manuscripts for publication.

The staff members at UCC are committed to training and will invest in you and your experiences. Please feel free to download and peruse our Psychology Internship Training Manual so that you can become familiar with the available training opportunities. You may want to obtain an overview of the University of Utah by reading about recent University events online at You also may want to explore diverse aspects of Salt Lake City by visiting Links of Interest at our web site. 

To apply for an internship position, please complete the AAPI Online. We require no supplemental application materials. All interviews are conducted via Zoom to minimize the financial costs of the internship search process for our applicants. The details are available at the APPIC web site at www.appic.orgThis internship site agrees to abide by the APPIC policy that no person at this training facility will solicit, accept or use any ranking-related information from any intern applicant.

If we can be of further assistance, please e-mail us at or call us at (801) 581-6826.   

All the Best,

Angela Enno, Ph.D. (she/her)
Turtle Mountain Chippewa
Director of Training, Programming & Outreach

American Psychological Association. (2011). Model act for state licensure of psychologists. American Psychologist, 66, 214-226. doi:10.1037/a0022655.


The University of Utah is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer and seeks to provide access to its programs, services, and activities for people with disabilities. Reasonable prior notice is needed to arrange accommodations.

All interested persons are encouraged to apply.

Last Updated: 7/25/24